I am an “over 55″ baby boomer with over 40 years using and programming computers. I have been a professor of Information Systems for 32 years, having completed my graduate work in systems engineering at Northwestern University.

I have significant experience and knowledge about the Internet. I first used a computer in 1971, developed informational pages on the Internet before the World Wide Web made its appearance, I made my first Internet purchase in 1997, joined Facebook in 2005, and have been a regular and prolific user of email since the early 1980s. I continue to use the web, develop my own webpages, and advise not-for-profit institutions on web and social networking use. I have been there, done that, and know what I am doing. As a teacher, I seem to have the ability to explain complex phenomena without using complex explanations.

In my role as a professor, I have published many academic papers and two books. In addition, I have created much content that was not formally published, but rather exists in self-published books or on the Internet.

If you would like to learn more about me, check out my personal website.